Optical Part Inspection / Scanning
Unlike competing systems which have expensive moving parts the Planar system has no moving parts to recalibrate or wear out and is consequently a fraction of the cost of competing systems.
The system measures the component in less than 1/8th of a second and is almost impervious to vibrations and can be installed right next your punching machine.
Measurements can then be used to inspect, reverse engineer, measure a component's thickness/flatness, convert printed CAD drawings into DXF drawings, create 3D models of the component, measure bent tubes, O-rings or gaskets, and perform countless other tasks.
To contact Maxitec about Optical Part Inspection / Scanning use Get a quote.
Unlike competing systems which have expensive moving parts the Planar system has no moving parts to recalibrate or wear out and is consequently a fraction of the cost of competing systems.
The system measures the component in less than 1/8th of a second and is almost impervious to vibrations and can be installed right next your punching machine.
Measurements can then be used to inspect, reverse engineer, measure a component's thickness/flatness, convert printed CAD drawings into DXF drawings, create 3D models of the component, measure bent tubes, O-rings or gaskets, and perform countless other tasks.
To contact Maxitec about Optical Part Inspection / Scanning use Get a quote.
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