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Comprises a number of grades, all of which have been designed to meet the requirements of specific applications and are classified as premium grades however, standard Tivar® 1000 is the "workhorse" grade and the basis for all other Tivar® grades.
Tivar® Uniblend is a value grade material comprising Tivar® 1000 and reprocessed elements to provide a grade with good low friction properties and extremely good abrasion resistance.
Unfilled or VIRGIN P.T.F.E. is the most common form and has some unique features which, apart from its good slip characteristics, the advantages of this high performance product lies less in its mechanical than in its thermal, electrical and chemical properties.
Unfilled P.T.F.E can be characterised by the following properties:
Fields of application:
Mechanical seals, gaskets, packing's, electrical insulators, bridge bearing pads, chemical bellows, vee rings, valve seats, spiral back-up rings, ball valve seats and seals, expansion bearings, chemical transfer tubing, linings and coatings, glandless valves and pumps, laboratory equipment.
Rigid PVC (PolyVinylChloride)
(Industrial Grade)
Rigid PVC is one of the oldest thermoplastics in existence today. In 1912 German chemists F.Klatte and E.Zacharias were granted a patent for the process of manufacturing vinyl chloride monomer by addition of hydrogen chloride to acetylene, although full-scale production did not start until 1938. PVC is made up from carbon, hydrogen and approximately 50% by weight chlorine.
Rigid PVC or unplasticised PVC can be characterised by the following properties:
• Low cost
• Excellent chemical resistance
• Good resistance to stress cracking
• Good impact strength
• Good weatherability
• Flame retardant
• Low coefficient of linear thermal expansion
• Excellent electrical insulation
• Ease of processing
- Can be machined
- Can be hot formed
- Can be welded
- Suitable for hot shaping
- Suitable for vacuum forming
- Can be glued
Fields of application: acid and chemical storage tanks, extraction systems, chemical piping systems, meter boxes, cable ducting, cooling tower elements, photographic emulsion tanks and electrical insulators.
Polyurethane elastomers are extremely versatile materials that can be manufactured to suit individual needs to meet a range of demanding applications.
There a many different types of Polyurethanes however, the four basic types are as follows, each having its own performance advantage:
1. Polyether / TDI
2. Polyester / TDI
3. Polyether / MDI
4. Polyester / MDI
Polyethers are recommended for parts subject to dynamic stress as they have low heat build-up are resilient and have good low temperature capabilities and resistance to hydrolysis.
Polyesters have better abrasion and tear resistance combined with oil solvent resistance.
MDI or (Diphenyl) Methane Diisocyanate based materials have better resistance to hydrolysis and are more resilient.
TDI or Tolylene Diisocyanate based materials are not as resistant to hydrolysis but are quicker to produce and have a lower cure temperature.
Polyurethane elastomers can be characterised by the following properties:
Fields of application: bushes, rollers, wheels, chute liners, conveyor rollers, oil seals, pump impellors, anti vibrations pads, timber handling components and flexible couplings.
E-Plas polyurethanes are available as stock shapes in rod, sheets and tubes or specialty castings to customer requirements.
To contact WA Belting Solutions [BP Blacklist] about Engineering Plastics | Supply & Machining use Get a quote.
Comprises a number of grades, all of which have been designed to meet the requirements of specific applications and are classified as premium grades however, standard Tivar® 1000 is the "workhorse" grade and the basis for all other Tivar® grades.
Tivar® Uniblend is a value grade material comprising Tivar® 1000 and reprocessed elements to provide a grade with good low friction properties and extremely good abrasion resistance.
Unfilled or VIRGIN P.T.F.E. is the most common form and has some unique features which, apart from its good slip characteristics, the advantages of this high performance product lies less in its mechanical than in its thermal, electrical and chemical properties.
Unfilled P.T.F.E can be characterised by the following properties:
Fields of application:
Mechanical seals, gaskets, packing's, electrical insulators, bridge bearing pads, chemical bellows, vee rings, valve seats, spiral back-up rings, ball valve seats and seals, expansion bearings, chemical transfer tubing, linings and coatings, glandless valves and pumps, laboratory equipment.
Rigid PVC (PolyVinylChloride)
(Industrial Grade)
Rigid PVC is one of the oldest thermoplastics in existence today. In 1912 German chemists F.Klatte and E.Zacharias were granted a patent for the process of manufacturing vinyl chloride monomer by addition of hydrogen chloride to acetylene, although full-scale production did not start until 1938. PVC is made up from carbon, hydrogen and approximately 50% by weight chlorine.
Rigid PVC or unplasticised PVC can be characterised by the following properties:
• Low cost
• Excellent chemical resistance
• Good resistance to stress cracking
• Good impact strength
• Good weatherability
• Flame retardant
• Low coefficient of linear thermal expansion
• Excellent electrical insulation
• Ease of processing
- Can be machined
- Can be hot formed
- Can be welded
- Suitable for hot shaping
- Suitable for vacuum forming
- Can be glued
Fields of application: acid and chemical storage tanks, extraction systems, chemical piping systems, meter boxes, cable ducting, cooling tower elements, photographic emulsion tanks and electrical insulators.
Polyurethane elastomers are extremely versatile materials that can be manufactured to suit individual needs to meet a range of demanding applications.
There a many different types of Polyurethanes however, the four basic types are as follows, each having its own performance advantage:
1. Polyether / TDI
2. Polyester / TDI
3. Polyether / MDI
4. Polyester / MDI
Polyethers are recommended for parts subject to dynamic stress as they have low heat build-up are resilient and have good low temperature capabilities and resistance to hydrolysis.
Polyesters have better abrasion and tear resistance combined with oil solvent resistance.
MDI or (Diphenyl) Methane Diisocyanate based materials have better resistance to hydrolysis and are more resilient.
TDI or Tolylene Diisocyanate based materials are not as resistant to hydrolysis but are quicker to produce and have a lower cure temperature.
Polyurethane elastomers can be characterised by the following properties:
Fields of application: bushes, rollers, wheels, chute liners, conveyor rollers, oil seals, pump impellors, anti vibrations pads, timber handling components and flexible couplings.
E-Plas polyurethanes are available as stock shapes in rod, sheets and tubes or specialty castings to customer requirements.
To contact WA Belting Solutions [BP Blacklist] about Engineering Plastics | Supply & Machining use Get a quote.
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