High-performance Spencer Custom Blowers and Gas Boosters can be built to handle corrosive and toxic sulfides, halogens, acids, flue and stack gases, cyanides and ammonia.
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We create cost-effective designs that meet your performance needs without overkill. For example, if you have a process involving corrosive gases or fumes that attack carbon steel or cast iron, we have several ways to protect blower components in the gas stream. We might recommend a special coating for those components, substitution of a special material such as 316L stainless steel, or use of an extra-thick standard metal with a designed-in corrosion allowance.
Hermetic & Custom Designs
For zero leakage of process gases, Spencer can provide hermetic gas boosters with the motor totally enclosed in the blower housing. To withstand housing design pressures up to 1000 PSIG, centrifugal Spencer blowers of any style can be built with pressure vessels using ASME Code guidelines. For temperatures up to 1100°F, Spencer can equip its blowers with water-cooled bearings, special seals and centerline mounted housings.
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We create cost-effective designs that meet your performance needs without overkill. For example, if you have a process involving corrosive gases or fumes that attack carbon steel or cast iron, we have several ways to protect blower components in the gas stream. We might recommend a special coating for those components, substitution of a special material such as 316L stainless steel, or use of an extra-thick standard metal with a designed-in corrosion allowance.
Hermetic & Custom Designs
For zero leakage of process gases, Spencer can provide hermetic gas boosters with the motor totally enclosed in the blower housing. To withstand housing design pressures up to 1000 PSIG, centrifugal Spencer blowers of any style can be built with pressure vessels using ASME Code guidelines. For temperatures up to 1100°F, Spencer can equip its blowers with water-cooled bearings, special seals and centerline mounted housings.