Each Aeration Manager™ Silo Monitoring is as standard equipped with the control inputs and outputs for up to eight silos.
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Each silo can store a different type of grain and as such the control outputs are fully individual. To ensure that fans are indeed operating when requested, each fan (or set of fans) is provided with a feedback signal input.
Control of the grain is based on information entered during loading; tonnage, temperature, moisture, oil content (if applicable) and weather data gathered throughout the storage period. With this information the controller is capable of moving towards the target temperature and/or grain moisture as set by the end user.
Each Aeration Manager™ is in fact three controllers in one, allowing for drying, cooling and maintenance of the grain (in that order) with fully automatic transition between the three stages.
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Each silo can store a different type of grain and as such the control outputs are fully individual. To ensure that fans are indeed operating when requested, each fan (or set of fans) is provided with a feedback signal input.
Control of the grain is based on information entered during loading; tonnage, temperature, moisture, oil content (if applicable) and weather data gathered throughout the storage period. With this information the controller is capable of moving towards the target temperature and/or grain moisture as set by the end user.
Each Aeration Manager™ is in fact three controllers in one, allowing for drying, cooling and maintenance of the grain (in that order) with fully automatic transition between the three stages.
Customers: Water Corporation, Town of Port Hedland, Department of Sports and Recreation,
Trade With Confidence. The supplier of this item is approved as a Verified Supplier. Business registration, contact details and locations have been verified. SmarterCTRL (by Industrial Automation Group) are also proudly displaying these credentials:
Water Corporation, Town of Port Hedland, Department of Sports and Recreation,