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NVMS SolutionsPerformance & Condition Monitoring Equipment

Performance & Condition Monitoring Equipment


West Leederville, WA

Noise and Vibration Measurement Systems (NVMS) is an engineering company with over 20 years of experience, providing high technology services in the following areas:• Condition and performance monitoring sales and support• Acoustic and vibration equipment. Portable, hand-held, single-point or ...View more

Noise and Vibration Measurement Systems (NVMS) is an engineering company with over 20 years of experience, providing high technology services in the following areas:
• Condition and performance monitoring sales and support
• Acoustic and vibration equipment. Portable, hand-held, single-point or plant-wide, online or offline
• Customised hardware and software solutions
• Site installation, commissioning and support of monitoring systems
• NATA accredited calibration of acoustic equipment
• Occupational and environmental noise training
• Machinery condition, diagnostics and performance monitoring training and practical instrument training
NVMS has developed a reputation for providing excellent customer support. We have developed strategic alliances with like minded service providers such as SVT- Engineering Consultants, Bruel & Kjaer S&V and Bruel & Kjaer Vibro (formerly Schenck).
In addition to NVMS's engineering services, our sister company SVT Engineering Consulting - - provides specialised engineering consulting in the areas of noise and vibration control, performance & condition monitoring and advanced engineering services.

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NVMS's objectives are to fully support its clients by providing them with the best solution that will enable their customers to better manage their plant and equipment in a practical and cost effective manner. NVMS also provides specialised personnel and equipment to support its clients' operations and activities.

NVMS has a commitment to maintaining and developing high technology skills. NVMS has achieved this by being actively involved in research & development and in the selection of our strategic partners.

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