Seamless integration to MYOB AcccountRight. ARScan allows you to Stocktake, Receive Goods, Adjust Stock, Create Sales and Print Barcodes with ease.
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ARScan is an add-on system for MYOB AccountRight which enhances the available MYOB AccountRight stock inventory functions.
ARScan uses a portable barcode scanner to increase the speed and accuracy of stocktaking. The scanner may also be used to do item sales (create item invoices and receive payments), adjust inventory and receive goods into stock. ARScan also includes a barcode label printing function.
ARScan is intuitive, and offers comprehensive yet simple reporting. Setup, training and full support is included free of charge for the first 12 months.
Mobile Sales
Goods Receiving
Barcode Printing
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ARScan is an add-on system for MYOB AccountRight which enhances the available MYOB AccountRight stock inventory functions.
ARScan uses a portable barcode scanner to increase the speed and accuracy of stocktaking. The scanner may also be used to do item sales (create item invoices and receive payments), adjust inventory and receive goods into stock. ARScan also includes a barcode label printing function.
ARScan is intuitive, and offers comprehensive yet simple reporting. Setup, training and full support is included free of charge for the first 12 months.