Looking for Insulated-Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT), explore the range available from Fastron Electronics. We sell Single, Dual, 3 Level and H Bridge IGBT modules used for Inverters, Rectifiers, DC Power Systems and Drives
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If you’re looking for fast switching and excellent efficiency from your Insulated-Gate Bipolar Transistor, explore the range available from Fastron Electronics. Whether it’s an IGBT for rectifiers or an IGBT inverter module, our range is sure to have something for your application. Explore our IGBT Power Modules below and get in touch for more information about other products. For any items not shown in our list, simply leave a message for our team to enquire about pricing and availability. Please advise us of the part number, yearly qty, and target price if known. From IGBT for rectifiers to IGBT inverter module, our range only provides products from leading suppliers. We stock insulated-gate bipolar transistors from the following brands, among others:
Infineon Technologies
Proton Electrotex
Shop online with Fastron Electronics now and enjoy free shipping on all orders over $300AUD.
To contact Fastron Electronics about Infineon IGBT's Dual, Single, 3 Level or H Bridge use Get a quote.
If you’re looking for fast switching and excellent efficiency from your Insulated-Gate Bipolar Transistor, explore the range available from Fastron Electronics. Whether it’s an IGBT for rectifiers or an IGBT inverter module, our range is sure to have something for your application. Explore our IGBT Power Modules below and get in touch for more information about other products. For any items not shown in our list, simply leave a message for our team to enquire about pricing and availability. Please advise us of the part number, yearly qty, and target price if known. From IGBT for rectifiers to IGBT inverter module, our range only provides products from leading suppliers. We stock insulated-gate bipolar transistors from the following brands, among others:
Infineon Technologies
Proton Electrotex
Shop online with Fastron Electronics now and enjoy free shipping on all orders over $300AUD.