Luminaires & Floodlights

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GBS Wholesale

GBS WholesaleLuminaires & Floodlights

Luminaires & Floodlights


GBS Wholesale is a proudly Australian owned and operated company. All our products are carefully selected to meet Australian standards and conditions and each have full compliance certificates to meet new and existing legislation.We distribute products Australia wide from global companies, based ...View more

GBS Wholesale is a proudly Australian owned and operated company. All our products are carefully selected to meet Australian standards and conditions and each have full compliance certificates to meet new and existing legislation.

We distribute products Australia wide from global companies, based not only in Australia but internationally. We specialise in servicing the lighting and electrical industry and can offer you, our customer, fast, accurate and reliable service.

Our products are suitable for and used nationally, in commercial, government, education, healthcare, hospitality and retail applications.

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