Diesel Particulate Matter Reader

Pinssar initially contacted APC Technology prior to launching an innovative Pinssar Diesel Particulate Matter (DPM) reader on the world market.

APC Technology reviewed the product and offered a series of design improvements to reduce production costs, improve the reliability and to ease field support.

With the support of Pinssar, and through APC’s involvement, the reader design has evolved in to a world class product that is gaining acceptance in the area of diesel particulate monitoring in confined areas such as underground mining and tunnels. APC Technology provides a good fit to Pinssar for the production, calibration and support of the reader.

Lyon-Turin tunnel project

The DPM reader has been successfully installed as part of Lyon-Turin tunnel project which Spie Batignolles is managing on behalf of SMP4. The project lead coordinating the continuous DPM monitoring program Mr Salvatore Maureddu commented on the value of introducing continuous DPM monitoring. “There is solid scientific research on the impact of the critical group 1 carcinogenic to workers, notably in enclosed spaces. The World Health Organisation has also acknowledged and highlighted these impacts. Spie Batignolles believes work place health and safety is paramount to our core values, so after extensive research we have partnered with Pinssar who are the only organisation worldwide who can offer the ability to continuously monitor levels in harsh work environments. By continuously monitoring DPM, Spie Batignolles is ensuring the health and safety of our employees and other contractors whilst working on this globally significant project.”