Avoid Diesel Particulate Filter Problems.

DPF Costs can be avoided. In today’s modern 4wd diesel engines there is no shortage of expensive problems that can occur, and unfortunately this includes vehicles that have been regularly maintained.

Many drivers have heard horror stories about how expensive it can be to replace fuel injectors and EGR Valves. Now we have DPF costs to add to the list! Replacing a DPF can easily cost $4000 to $8000, and sometimes more, it’s a big cost…particularly when a vehicle is out of warranty!

Adding FTC Decarbonizer to your diesel will safely remove soot and carbon from exhaust areas, fixing DPF regenerating problems. FTC Decarbonizer actively cleans DPF filters while you drive, eliminating expensive DPF cleaning services.

While Diesel Particulate Filters may not require any attention until they start to regenerate more frequently, prevention is always the best option before the dreaded DPF warning light starts to flash on the dashboard. Let’s look at some of the lessor-known factors that contribute to this problem…

DPF Costs can be avoided… 

Don’t use a fuel additive or injector cleaner unless it is DPF-compatible.

Don’t go increasing the risk of the DPF clogging by putting a poor-quality fuel treatment in your vehicle. If the product isn’t DPF compatible, you’re creating a bigger problem! Some drivers tend to fall into the trap of buying an injector cleaner off the shelf from the local auto store, without checking to see if the product is DPF compatible.

Some products contain substances that do not burn cleanly and actually increase the long-term issue of ash build up in the exhaust areas clogging the DPF Filter. These particles cannot be fully burned off by the DPF Regeneration cycle. Unfortunately, you think you’re doing the right thing by running a fuel cleaner through your engine, but in many cases, this is just creating bigger problems for you.  If the product is NOT DPF compatible, don’t use it.

Replacing DPF Filters is expensive…

  • Use the Correct specification engine oil
  • City driving is the single biggest cause of DPF problems.
  • Don’t ignore the DPF warning light when it appears.
  • Allow the regeneration process to completed before turning the engine off.

Needing to replace or clean a blocked DPF Filter is expensive, but can be easily avoided, with the use of Cost Effective Maintenance products. If a vehicle has started to show signs of increased DPF regeneration the FTC Engine Decarbonizer is perfect for not only cleaning diesel particulate filters, but ideal for reducing the amount of soot in the exhaust area, in turn reducing the number of regenerations.

One of the most important things you can do to cut down on expensive DPF costs  is to use a quality fuel treatment designed specifically to actively clean the DPF Filter.

CEM products are designed and tested to ensure the best possible results for your engine. CRD Fuel Enhancer and  FTC Engine Decarbonizer are 100% DPF compatible perfect of  today modern diesel engines. Designed to keep your engine clean, maximizing fuel atomization and more importantly avoiding DPF problems.