Gases, Safety Products, Welding Equipment ...

BOC Limited

BOC LimitedGases, Safety Products, Welding Equipment

Gases, Safety Products, Welding Equipment



North Ryde, NSW

BOC a member of The Linde Group, supplies compressed and bulk gases, chemicals and equipment throughout Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific. The company develops safe, sustainable and innovative solutions for customers in many specialty sectors, heavy industry and medical environments.For ...View more

BOC a member of The Linde Group, supplies compressed and bulk gases, chemicals and equipment throughout Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific. The company develops safe, sustainable and innovative solutions for customers in many specialty sectors, heavy industry and medical environments.

For more than a century the company's gases and expertise have contributed to advances in industry and everyday life, including steelmaking, refining, chemical processing, environmental protection, wastewater treatment, welding and cutting, food processing and distribution, glass production, electronics and health care.

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The Linde Group
The Linde Group is a world-leading gases and engineering company with more than 50,000 employees working in around 100 countries worldwide. Following the acquisition of The BOC Group plc, the company has global sales of approximately €12 billion per annum. The strategy of The Linde Group is geared towards earnings-based growth and focuses on the expansion of its international business with forward-looking products and services.

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