AK Reels is currently the only auto retracting hose reel that is registered as Made in Australia. The reels produced at the Thomastown factory are certified as Australian made for export World wide.

Occupational health and safety (OH&S) is critical in all industries, which is why AK Reels’ best selling product is its Australian Made retractable safety Barrier tape reel.  Adjustable, so that it can be used to cordon off a factory door or a whole floor, remains flexible under tension (so it won’t snap), reusable and is very cost effective.

Cheaper imported plastic tapes and chains eventually find their way to landfill, AK Reels’ tape is made of colour coded seat belt type, woven webbing material, which retracts back into a compact reel when not required.

“The imported products can be hard to handle and might work for a day or two, while our Australian Made retractable tape reel might last you a decade – and you can customise your colours and messaging for visibility and clarity on warnings,” AK Reels Director John Jones said.

“These reels are just what is needed for any kind of situation where the public needs to be separated from working machinery or a dangerous situation.” 

The uniquely Australian product is a patented design, manufactured in Melbourne, and is used all over the world, in mines, warehouses, factories, airports, and by Local Councils.

AK Reels’ has a large range of innovative products on the market including a series of highly durable retractable hose reels for industrial, commercial and domestic use – all made to suit a specific purpose and to withstand variations in temperature and conditions.

Supermarkets around the country use AK Reels’ retractable Hot Wash hose reels in their delicatessen sections, to ensure the areas are effectively sanitised and the potential for scalds or tripping over loose hoses by staff members is reduced. 

Retirement villages prefer AK Reels’ retractable garden hoses reels because of their compact size and light weight and ability to be mounted at waist-height avoiding the need for residents to bend down to pick up hoses.

Holiday makers caravanning around the country use AK Reels drinking water hose reels, because unlike standard hoses, they are food grade and won’t result in harmful chemicals being ingested.

Engineers around the world specify AK Reels’ hot and cold wash hoses for use in restaurants, hotel chains and sporting complexes too – and these are just a few of the best sellers.

“We’ve developed a reputation for high quality niche products, and local manufacturing is critical in ensuring quality control,” Mr Jones said.

“The Australian Made logo helps us to readily communicate our reputation for quality to new customers because manufacturing standards in Australia is so high.

“Importantly, more and more retailers are telling us that their customers are actively seeking out Australian Made products and they are pleased to be able to offer local goods.

Easy access to spare parts is an added benefit too. Imported retracting reels don’t have spare hoses or parts because they’re not manufactured in Australia, so if something goes wrong you’re more likely to have to replace it entirely. 

“We find people are demanding quality products that are going to last, which might mean paying a little more in the first place, but, in the long run it’s cheaper than buying the whole product over and over again,” Mr Jones said.

This is evidenced by the company’s longevity in the industry. AK Reels recently celebrated twenty eight years of local manufacturing. 

“We’ve had our ups and downs over the years – GFC and now the Covid 19 pandemic – but through the dedication of our staff we’ve managed to pull through, and we’re very proud of the reputation our products have achieved,” Mr Jones said.