Case Study: an Electrolux success story

"Netfira Connect streamlined our ordering process, resulting in lower costs for us while giving our dealers 24/7 access to the current prices and availability of our inventory." Kerrie Dease, Electrolux Home Products, National Marketing Manager

Before installing Netfira Connect

Supply chain methods were manual an not cost-effective

The initial Netfira platform attracted interest from world-renowned appliance manufacturer, Electrolux. After initial meetings explaining the simple e-commerce solution, Electrolux quickly realised the efficiencies they could achieve with Netfira Connect given the volumes of transactions that the company processed annually within its extensive supply chain.

  • Large distributor network
  • 250,000 individual lines of parts inventory
  • Call center staff of 20+ employees to handle inventory queries and orders
  • Phone, fax, and web-based orders requiring manual data entry
  • Website procurement solution that dealers were not using

Bulk of transactions were processed manually

After installing Netfira Connect

Substantial cost reduction and more efficient supply chain transactions

Implementing Netfira Connect allowed Electrolux’s distributors to access real-time product, price, and availability. Netfira Connect delivered to Electrolux additional business flexibility: automation of all their data, which cut costs and eliminated manual errors, and a revolutionary way to market their business to new clients.

  • 40+ sites implemented Netfira Connect
  • 100% of distributors continued using
  • the system after initial trial period
  • 1.2 million transaction-based line items entered automatically
  • Significant reduction in data entry staff
  • 26% reduction in product returns

Bulk of transactions are now processed automatically

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