The Modern Manufacturing Skill Set – Everything You Need to Know

Today, manufacturing jobs look a little different to how they did 25 years ago.

Today, manufacturing jobs look a little different to how they did 25 years ago.


With the sector evolving at a rapid pace, the need for a more versatile and high-tech workforce has never been more important. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the federal government has pledged to boost the role of science and technology in the industry, deeming the manufacturing sector ‘critical to Australia’s economic future’.


Currently, engineering skills such as industrial design and quality control are combined with traditional manufacturing skills like welding and machining. With that in mind, we must continue to develop efficient techniques and technology-enabled solutions with a contemporary, dynamic and highly skilled workforce. We should strive to solve our customers problems through engineering innovation; and that can only be done with the right people.


At Wastech, we’re passionate about sharing our skills and nurturing the next generation of Australian engineers.


Here, we give you a quick and contemporary run-down of all we believe you need to know.


An aptitude for technology


Whatever you do – don’t fear technology! The Internet of Things (IOT) and Artifical Intelligence are set to transform how businesses across Australia function. As such technologies develop, we’re more likely to see IoT devices enter the market for consumers and businesses alike. With that in mind, the ability to operate the automated technologies dominating the manufacturing environment are of great importance for today – and the tomorrow.


Innovation and industrial design


Through continual research and development, Australian companies all over the country are paving the way in terms of advancements in the industry. As an award-winning design, engineering and manufacturing company, we’re focused on developing pioneering waste management and resource recovery solutions that adopt best practice technology and design. In order to cut through the noise, local engineers and manufacturers need to build products that position Australian designed and made solutions as both superior and cost effective. Creating products and systems optimised for manufacturability and driving efficiency is a vital skill that new engineers should possess – or work towards.


Traditional production skills


When it comes to manufacturing and engineering today, many in-demand skills are relatively modern. The need for traditional production skills such as machining, welding and fabrication technologies, however, remain crucial to Australian manufacturing. In fact, as Australia strives towards a more self-sufficient manufacturing sector, the need for more employees with these skills will only grow. For budding engineers in Australia, there’s never been a better time to get stuck in and learn your trade.


Wastech is at the forefront of waste management solutions in Australia, and our team plays a huge role in creating a more environmentally sustainable future for our country. As a progressive organisation, we’re always looking for ways to develop our industry knowledge and to create solutions aligned with our client’s needs. That’s why we encourage the next generation of engineers to leverage the industry’s latest technologies alongside their own forward-thinking thinking ideas, in order to create a better future of innovative engineering solutions across Australia.


To learn more about Wastech’s waste & recycling projects, contact us.