The lowdown on High Volume, Low Speed fans

High-volume ceiling fans have become incredibly popular in recent years. More commonly called “high-volume, low-speed” or HVLS fans, these ingenious machines are popping up in warehouses, everywhere.


High-volume ceiling fans are designed to create a more comfortable working environment in warehouses that can become too hot or too cold for the employees. Far larger than standard ceiling fans, they’re able to circulate a high volume of air throughout a large area. 

These specialized types of fans come with powerful yet energy-efficient motors and parts that provide enough pressure to force air downward and outward around the room. The fans range in size from 2.4 to 9.1 meters and have either six or eight airfoils. 

Proper air circulation is key to a high-volume ceiling fan’s purpose. When the temperature inside the building gets too hot, an HVLS fan creates a consistent breeze that flows over a person’s sweaty skin. This causes an effect known as evaporative cooling, which makes the body feel cooler even when the temperature is still high.

The effect is slightly different in the winter months. The fan pushes warm air from the ceiling back down toward the floor, providing improved comfort during cold weather. 


Why consider getting a high-volume ceiling fan? Creating a comfortable environment for your employees is essential to their ability to be productive. An overheated warehouse causes the body temperature to rise, which negatively impacts a person’s ability to think and function physically. Workers slow down, productivity drops, and, ultimately, a company’s profits drop as well. 

High-volume ceiling fans are an effective and affordable way to maintain an optimal atmosphere for long hours of labour. They’re far more cost-effective and energy-efficient than HVAC systems, which can potentially cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to install and thousands or tens of thousands to operate every month. For businesses fighting tighter margins and trying to improve their bottom line, high-volume ceiling fans offer an attractive solution. 


There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to high-volume ceiling fans. Since every warehouse-type building is different—different sizes, ceiling heights, interior configurations, equipment, weather, and other variations—there will be a specific fan to meet the particular needs of that building. 

For example, a larger space will need a larger fan or even multiple fans to provide sufficient airflow throughout the building. Some companies need their fans to integrate with existing HVAC, security, or fire suppression systems. Many fans come with technological or safety features designed for certain manufacturing purposes. 

When it comes to choosing a high-volume ceiling fan, you don’t have to guess or make the decision alone. At Big Ass Fans, our airflow experts can guide you through the selection process by showing you your options and describing the distinctive features of each fan. We also use a software program called SpecLab® to calculate the measurable effects any fan will have in your warehouse. 


The size and power of a high-volume ceiling fan will determine how much airflow it can provide to a certain area. The largest fans are strong enough to provide airflow in open spaces up to 25,000 square feet. In contrast, a standard household ceiling fan can reach an area up to about 260 square meters. 

The number of fans you need is mostly determined by the size of your building and the interior layout. If there are pallet racks, machinery, or other configurations that can affect airflow, you may need more than one fan to get the job done. 

If you have questions or want to explore your options for buying a high-volume ceiling fan, contact our team for more information.