The StarTer screening bucket has been designed to bring on-site screening within the reach of smaller companies and hire firms.
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With the new design, the customer is able run a high-output screening bucket at a very affordable price, with low running costs.
Material is constantly rotated, without any chopping or pinching, making screening of damp, fragile and special materials possible. Suitable for top soil, waste, turf, roots, gypsum, knotweed and many other applications. It has a unique screening action. It rotates the material in a similar manner to a trommel screen, but has the benefit of rotating star discs, agitating and clawing at the material as it turns. This is achieved by mounting star shafts on a large arc, forming the back and top of the bucket.
Lightweight, hard-wearing, flexible, self-cleaning polyurethane stars. This means no pinch or crushing areas, resulting in low power requirement and no contamination from crushed material. The flexible stars are gentle on fragile material such as roots, vegetation and turf.
Massive screening area, due to the light weight of the star segments, which results in high output and excellent cost effectiveness.
The rotary action of the bucket allows complete mixing of material as it is being screened, ensuring complete separation. The bucket is screening throughout its cycle, with no time wasted in stopping and reversing the shafts.
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With the new design, the customer is able run a high-output screening bucket at a very affordable price, with low running costs.
Material is constantly rotated, without any chopping or pinching, making screening of damp, fragile and special materials possible. Suitable for top soil, waste, turf, roots, gypsum, knotweed and many other applications. It has a unique screening action. It rotates the material in a similar manner to a trommel screen, but has the benefit of rotating star discs, agitating and clawing at the material as it turns. This is achieved by mounting star shafts on a large arc, forming the back and top of the bucket.
Lightweight, hard-wearing, flexible, self-cleaning polyurethane stars. This means no pinch or crushing areas, resulting in low power requirement and no contamination from crushed material. The flexible stars are gentle on fragile material such as roots, vegetation and turf.
Massive screening area, due to the light weight of the star segments, which results in high output and excellent cost effectiveness.
The rotary action of the bucket allows complete mixing of material as it is being screened, ensuring complete separation. The bucket is screening throughout its cycle, with no time wasted in stopping and reversing the shafts.