Restaurant paging systems vs table numbers

Economic to purchase, zero running costs.
Economic to purchase, zero running costs.

There are a number of reasons why Paging Systems are superior to traditional table numbers.

Paging systems can play a major role in boosting service and sales. By alerting a pager, customers can get to the right place at the right time.  

When a guest arrive for a table booking, rather than waiting in a queue, they can be given a pager and called when their table is ready. This allows them to go to the bar for drinks or roam the gaming area.

Outdated table numbers

This simple alert system also works for meal delivery. By arranging a central pick up place, diners receive a simple paddle or coaster pager which beeps or flashes when their meal is ready.  Meals are delivered quicker and hotter, staff time is not wasted trying to locate guests.

  • Flashing or beeping is virtually impossible to ignore
  • Service can be extended 24/7
  • Food can be delivered across large clubs, pubs, restaurants, upstairs or courtyard dining
  • Customers are allowed to roam the venue, spending more
  • Meal collection is faster and hotter via a central pick up point
  • Customer feel more in control of their dining experience

Numbered transmitters are installed in the kitchen, Maitre D or bar area. Pagers can also be intergrated with the POS touchscreen with an onscreen button radio linked to any number of pagers.

Remarkably easy to use and to learn to use, pagers are a low cost investment that can boost additional sales whilst cutting staff time. Their modular set up allows a small number of pagers to be initially trialled and more added later. For a relatively small cost, ROI is usually in a matter of weeks from extra sales and savings in staff time.

Vectron offers the full range of hospitality paging systems from paddle and coaster through to waiter and kitchen messaging systems. Call for more information on 1300 789 366 or email

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