PVC Strip door to a Rapid roll door

Replacing a Visiflex PVC strip curtain with a fully automated rapid roll door can bring greater efficiencies and protection of busy doorways into sensitive areas. This article will show an example.

A PVC Visiflex Strip door is a great option to provide sealing to doorways, and larger openings; but they do have their limitations.

  • Strips do come into contact with stock/traffic passing through which can create cross contamination concerns.
  • Over time, PVC Strips can show signs of both wear and discolouration.
  • Strips can get caught up with items passing through, causing tearing and damage, reducing the overall effectiveness of the strip door.

Working in with one of our valued clients, who did require a better solution to one of their larger openings, we introduced them to our Series RL3000 Rapid Roll Door, for this particular application. This provided a solution to all the issues the client was facing.

Using floor induction loops for activation, this provided the client with an efficient means of door operation, and with the fact nothing actually touches the door panel, that solved any cross-contamination issues. A full width clear vision panel was also provided for visual safety. The design of this door panel provides the added advantage that if any of the door panels, including the clear panel, becomes damaged, it is easily replaceable. Simply sliding out the damaged section, and slide a new section in.  

Additional safety sensors including a photo-electric light beam across the doorway, and a touch sensitive bottom bar, both of which will return the door to the open position if activated.

As you can see from the photos, a great outcome with another very happy client. 

As the manufacturer, DMF can custom manufacture these Rapid Roll Doors to suit your exacting requirements, with a highly equipped factory, and skilled installation Technicians.  

For a no obligation consultation, call us today. We would be delighted to help.