Pin vs Pinless Moisture Meters: Which Do You Need?

Looking to add a moisture meter to your tool bag? Here’s what you need to know to find the right tool for you.

Moisture meters come in two varieties: pin and pinless, but what is the difference? A pin moisture meter is both destructive and quantifiable, where as a pinless moisture meter is faster, but provides a relative reading.



Pin moisture measurement (i.e., resistive moisture measurement) requires the physical insertion of the two pin probes into the wall or material in question. This method provides you with a quantifiable reading by measuring the resistance between the two probes. The disadvantage is this method requires some damage to the material being measured.



The MR277 includes IGM technology and a laser pointer to isolate the area where you can use the integrated pinless moisture sensor for non-invasive readings or external pin probe for invasive measurements.



With pinless moisture measurement (i.e., capacitive moisture measurement), you don’t need to destroy your wall, but there is a catch. While the flat sensor integrated on the back of the meter is a non-invasive method, it only provides a relative moisture reading. To fully understand the measurement, it needs to be compared to a known dry sample of the same material.



Featuring Infrared Guided Measurement (IGM) technology, the MR176 visually guides you to the precise spot that moisture may be hiding. An integrated pinless sensor and an external pin probe provide the flexibility to take either non-intrusive or intrusive measurements.