MAPD - Kishan Auto Equator comparator: a case study

Kishan con-rod on fixture plate on Equator 300.
Kishan con-rod on fixture plate on Equator 300.

Kishan Auto parts Pvt. Ltd., Rajkot (Gujarat, India) is a world leader in the manufacture of connecting rods for major names in the car, compressor, heavy commercial vehicle, tractor, marine engine and earth mover manufacturing industries.

Kishan recently purchased a Renishaw Equator flexible gauging comparator, and have seen an immediate reduction in cost and gauging cycle times of more than 80%.

Additionally, despite shop floor temperature variations of more than 21°C (43°F), measuring performance has been unaffected due to Equator's unique comparator method which uses master parts calibrated on Kishan's co-ordinate measuring machine (CMM).

Versatile gauging on the shop floor, Kishan Auto is now using Equator to gauge multiple variants of connecting rods, and is adding more every day.

Typical gauging times of 55 seconds per connecting rod are a significant reduction over previous methods. The operators can use one Equator machine for many different parts, gauging all the features in a single operation with an immediate pass/fail decision, along with a report of the component dimensions.

Despite its location in Rajkot, Gujarat, where temperatures soar to 40°C (104°F) and drop to 19°C (66°F), Kishan is seeing repeatable results from its Equator system. This is achieved by re-mastering at least every 3 hours, or when they know the temperature has changed significantly – 're-zeroing' the system removes the effect of thermal growth from the measurements, and therefore guarantees component quality.

The master part must be kept close to the machine and subject to the same thermal conditions as the production parts. If at any time the ambient temperature changes rapidly and a part goes out of tolerance, an operator can measure the master part to re-set the system and check the reported 'fail' is not due to the environment.

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