MAG-RAM™ technology to overcome problems of self-cleaning magnets

MAG-RAM™ technology overcoming most if not all the problems of self-cleaning magnets.
MAG-RAM™ technology overcoming most if not all the problems of self-cleaning magnets.

MAG-RAM™ technology overcoming most if not all the problems of self-cleaning magnets.

If the problem was only to get rabbit traps, bolts and spanners out of raw materials, grains, etc then you would only need a rotary 1,500 gauss self-cleaning drum magnet. Likely you already have several.

Nowadays, the real problem is to get rust, magnetic stone, fine stainless steel and iron fragments from 0.5' down to dust size out of raw materials and bulk products. Likely you need a self-cleaning grate magnet which needs to overcome all the difficulties and limitations of manually cleaned grate magnets and provides 10,000 gauss separating power.

This paper reflects understanding of the self-cleaning grate magnets which have so far become available on the world market.

The very idea of "self-cleaning" is attractive:

  • To cut manual cleaning labour
  • More 'contact' of product with cleaned magnet surface
  • Constant efficiency of both separation and magnet cleaning
  • OSHA handling hazards eliminated

Of course, engineering and production management do not want to satisfy quality personnel at the expense of high maintenance and production hang-ups, downtime and delays. This is why so few self- cleaning installations are yet in place.

Having developed at least 5 prototypes of self-cleaning grate magnets over the past 15 years, MAGNATTACK™ Global rejected 4 out of the 5 prototypes. The objective was to supersede ordinary grate magnets and their inherent problems.

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