The DownFlex™ downdraft table is a dual purpose work bench and extraction unit, designed specifically for the removal of welding fume at the source.
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It can also be used to remove particulate and dust from metal grinding applications, as well as fume and particulate from light duty plasma arc cutting. Its Strong Backdraft (80%) and Downdraft (20%) Extraction Capacity mean that it is ideal for welding, grinding, and light duty plasma cutting. With a Industry Leading Three Stage Spark Arrestor System, It is able to capture the hot particulate before it can get into the filter chamber. The Oval Shaped Filters Deliver an Impressive 52 m2 of Total Filter Media resulting in longer filter life. All the Controls and Doors on Front offer complete access to the filters and collection draws for easy maintenance. CE Approved.
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It can also be used to remove particulate and dust from metal grinding applications, as well as fume and particulate from light duty plasma arc cutting. Its Strong Backdraft (80%) and Downdraft (20%) Extraction Capacity mean that it is ideal for welding, grinding, and light duty plasma cutting. With a Industry Leading Three Stage Spark Arrestor System, It is able to capture the hot particulate before it can get into the filter chamber. The Oval Shaped Filters Deliver an Impressive 52 m2 of Total Filter Media resulting in longer filter life. All the Controls and Doors on Front offer complete access to the filters and collection draws for easy maintenance. CE Approved.
Distribution: Australia, New Zealand, PNG, Pacific Islands
Location: Padstow, NSW
Customers: Bechtel, Mcconnell Dowell, Westconnex Construction
Trade With Confidence. The supplier of this item is approved as a Verified Supplier. Business registration, contact details and locations have been verified. The Lincoln Electric Company are also proudly displaying these credentials:
Bechtel, Mcconnell Dowell, Westconnex Construction