Have These Questions Answered Before Investing Your Money In a Dehumidifier

Questions to ask when choosing a commercial dehumidifier
Questions to ask when choosing a commercial dehumidifier

The mistake most commonly made when comparing different dehumidification units is not comparing the systems, one against another, but rather that the unit you have chosen is up for the challenge.

Once you decide what type of dehumidification system is most suitable to your specific application, you want to make sure it is up for the challenge.


Make Sure the Dehumidifier Brand is of Quality

Double check by looking at what materials are used in critical parts.

Research the brand – make sure the manufacturer and supplier are both reputable and can provide reference sites for what and where the proposed systems have been applied to.  Don’t be shy when it comes to researching your potential investment as the capital layout on the potential system is just that, an investment.

Ask your supplier what the average lifetime is of the equipment, this should provide a rough guide on what to expect and how


Get a Second Opinion

Make sure the unit you are investing in is adequate for the room’s specific requirements and moisture load. Compare like for like (not everything is as it seems).

The mistake most commonly made when comparing different units is not comparing the systems, one against another, but rather that the unit you have chosen is up for the challenge. Considering the ideal conditions required. 

For example, an indoor pool room where the relative humidity (RH) should be between 50% - 60%, the dehumidifier should be designed for these conditions or at least be able to remove the load at these conditions.

If the system is designed for 30° C and 80% RH and it’s not clear what moisture removal rate the dehumidifier is capable of at 28° C and 60%RH, ask the designer or supplier for a derating scale to prove the removal rate at the required conditions. A good designer will highlight this when discussing your different option.


Review Parts Warranty

This is important as this could potentially save the buyer a lot of trouble and money – even if upfront investment is more.


Review Parts Replacement Cost

What is the ‘Lifetime Cost’?

Parts within a dehumidifier, if made well, will last many years.  As a general rule motor parts, 5+ years, desiccant rotor 10+ years (depending on the application for which it is being used).  It is important to check what the replacement cost is specific to its make and model. 

Through my years in the industry, I can guarantee there is a large disparity between the same parts in different brand dehumidifiers.


Discuss Maintenance

Think of maintenance on a dehumidifier in the same way one would of a car, or anything else used daily, it needs to be looked after.  Spaces that have a high moisture concentration (indoor pools, process freezers and cold rooms, as examples) create highly corrosive and harmful environments for both people and the equipment.  Annual check-ups ensure each component of the dehumidifier is operating at optimal levels and energy efficiently, we provide a rotor performance check service!

Read our article 'How to Choose the Right Dehumidifier' for more information.  It offers variables you should consider when selecting an industrial or commercial dehumidifier. 

Considerations such as:

  • Indoor temperature
  • Current indoor humidity
  • Target humidity level
  • Dimensions of the space needing climate control
  • What the space is being used for?
  • What is the door activity (how often does the door get opened/closed, left open)?
  • Is there fresh air being added (fan) or removed (extract fan)?
  • How many occupants in the room?



A great option to test the technology before you invest is to consider industrial desiccant dehumidifier hire. Check out 'Dehumidifier Hire' pages to learn more about the options we provide along with real life stories of industries and applications that have benefitted from hiring a dehumidifier from Humiscope.

We love what we do and are always happy to chat - obligation free - about your humidity and climate control issues.



For more information, take a look at our 'Benefits of a Dehumidifier' article where we delve into some of the industries we deal / have dealt with, their common humidity related issues and how dehumidification technology has helped to resolve these issues. This article should help you choose the best commercial dehumidifier for your application.

We also explain the difference between the two main dehumidifiers used in industry settings and offer advice on which is more suitable to which industry and why.