Everything you need to know about FROMM Ventilated Stretch Wrap

Using the correct pallet wrap is invaluable compared to the cost of potential damage during shipping and storage.

When wrapped by a machine, palletised products are secured in a layer of film which makes goods safe for transport, and prevents outside elements such as water and/or dust from damaging its contents.  However for some products that undergo rapid temperature change, an adverse effect may occur in which water condensation is trapped under the stretch wrap.  This can cause rust, mould or bacterial damage to the products.  The solution – FROMM FORZA Ventilated Film.

How does ventilated film work?

FROMM’s range of Forza ventilated stretch wrap allow the wrapped product to be secure but also breathe, heat or cool with minimal risk to the product.  The stretch wrap features pre punched, “perforated” holes that once stretched by a wrapping machine open.  When applied, the open holes in the film allow air ventilation throughout the pallet.  When handling products that are snap frozen or cooled, the FROMM Forza ventilated film holes, reduce the amount of energy needed to cool the product, both saving time, and money. Products such as hot filled liquids will benefit from the perforations as they allow fast cooling and no sweating.

Who can use ventilated film?

FROMM ventilated film is ideally recommended for businesses within the Agricultural and Food & Beverage industries. With opportunities for those who are involved in production, storage and distribution of perishable foods stuffs, Hot/Cold or Cold/Hot products and liquids.


Unlike other films, FROMM’s FORZA ventilated film is pre perforated.  The hole is already apparent in the film.  This means there are no plastic cut outs to fall off the film roll when stretched.  This eliminates plastic fallout from contaminating products and workspaces. 

FROMM FORZA ventilated film is reinforced and strengthen by layers.  If a tear occurs it will only impact the row of holes with the tear.  This makes it highly tear resistant and will not impact pallet load integrity.  The film is also 100% recyclable.