Hygienic and Hazardous Area Handling: Ensuring a Spotless Operation

Handling in hygienic and hazardous areas: everything spotless

Introducing the PalVac Sprint Hygienic vacuum handling system, now part of the Schmalz portfolio. This advanced vacuum tube lifter is designed for moving heavy loads in clean rooms and hygienic environments. Its innovative design and premium materials ensure quick and easy cleaning, effectively preventing dirt accumulation.

The PalVac Sprint Hygienic vacuum tube lifter is ideal for professionals working in hygienic areas and clean rooms. It efficiently handles shrink-wrapped goods, including bags, drums, and jugs. The system is engineered for frequent and rapid lifting of heavy loads. Featuring polished stainless-steel surfaces with a consistent grain direction, the lifter minimizes buildup and allows cleaning agents to drain off effectively. The seamless, crack-free welds further enhance cleanliness. Constructed from stainless steel V2A / SAE 304, the metal components and wipeable protective tube are resistant to various cleaning agents, and the system can be disassembled without the need for tools.

Lift Loads Up to 50 Kilograms with Ease

The PalVac Sprint Hygienic system includes a vacuum tube lifter and a crane. Tri-Clover connections integrate the lifting unit, control panel, and gripper. FDA-compliant silicone seals on the gripper are suitable for direct contact with food products. The integrated HEPA filter safeguards the internal components of the lifter from contamination, and a differential pressure indicator alerts users when filter replacement is necessary. An electric blower creates the vacuum required to move loads up to 50 kilograms. Custom suction cups cater to different workpieces, while the ergonomic handle with a bow-shaped grip facilitates easy lifting, lowering, and release of loads.

Enhanced Range of Motion

Schmalz's PalVac stainless-steel jib cranes provide the essential range of motion for the PalVac tube lifter. Constructed from stainless steel and designed for optimal hygiene, these cranes are ideal for environments where cleanliness is critical. The diamond-shaped crane section minimizes horizontal surfaces, simplifying crane cleaning. The cranes are customizable for various applications, offering high working speeds and precise positioning. They support ergonomic and fatigue-free handling. The crane column can be mounted on the floor or ceiling, and the slewing bearing allows for 220 degrees of movement. Users can adjust the crane’s responsiveness using an adjustment screw. Depending on the specific needs, the PalVac crane can operate with either a conventional or articulated-arm jib.