Rectifiers for Electroplating, Electrowinning, Electropolishing
Rectifiers for Electroplating, Electrowinning, Electropolishing
Rectifiers for Electroplating, Electrowinning, Electropolishing
Rectifiers for Electroplating, Electrowinning, Electropolishing
Rectifiers for Electroplating, Electrowinning, Electropolishing
Rectifiers for Electroplating, Electrowinning, Electropolishing
Rectifiers for Electroplating, Electrowinning, Electropolishing
The Pe4606 Switch Mode Rectifier is the latest in new generation Rectifiers for Electroplating, Electrowinning, Electropolishing and Water Treatment.
90 Recent Views
The Pe4606 Switch Mode design Rectifier is been proven and reliable since 1986. This rectifier offers many advantages over conventional type Rectifiers, especially SCR - Thyristor Controlled and multiple module designs.
Pe4606 Series Features
Range from 10 Amp to 2,200 Amp
pe280 Digital Programmable Remote Control unit
Bench or Wall mount, very compact design
Very low output ripple, less than 1%
Constant Current or Constant Voltage
Excellent Power Factor - typically 0.95
Lower Electricity demand
For further information on the pe4606 or our other Series of Plating Rectifiers / Power Supplies visit Australian Rectifiers or Use the Industry Search e-mail feature below and one of the Australian Rectifiers team will respond directly.
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The Pe4606 Switch Mode design Rectifier is been proven and reliable since 1986. This rectifier offers many advantages over conventional type Rectifiers, especially SCR - Thyristor Controlled and multiple module designs.
Pe4606 Series Features
Range from 10 Amp to 2,200 Amp
pe280 Digital Programmable Remote Control unit
Bench or Wall mount, very compact design
Very low output ripple, less than 1%
Constant Current or Constant Voltage
Excellent Power Factor - typically 0.95
Lower Electricity demand
For further information on the pe4606 or our other Series of Plating Rectifiers / Power Supplies visit Australian Rectifiers or Use the Industry Search e-mail feature below and one of the Australian Rectifiers team will respond directly.